By the numbers: Why you can be proud to homeschool your kids

April 18, 2017

The word’s out: homeschooling is good for kids, and research shows it. With over two million homeschooled students in the United States, a 75% increase since 1999, families are training up generations of students who surpass their public-schooled peers.

Test Scores

Homeschooled students aren’t just reading books on grassy knolls (although that’s a good idea every once in awhile). They’re developing a solid foundation in a number of disciplines, which shows on national tests. While public-school students score right around the 50th percentile in reading, language, math, and science, their homeschooled peers average in the 84-89th percentiles.

Income Equality

Studies have shown that students from higher income families score much higher than their lower-income counterparts in the public school system. With homeschooling, that disparity all but disappears. Whether from a family making less than $35,000 or more than $70,000, a homeschooled student will still score in the higher percentile ranges, no matter how much the family spends per student. As a homeschooler, you make the very best resource available to your child: you.

College Success

Are homeschooled kids left behind when it’s time to transition to college? Hardly. Homeschoolers far surpass public-school students when it comes to college GPA and graduation rates. Homeschooled college freshmen and seniors average GPAs of 3.41 and 3.46, respectively, while other students range from 3.12 to 3.16. And compared to a college graduation rate of 57.5%, homeschooled students claim 66.7%. Homeschooling your child sets them up for a lifetime of academic success!


Homeschooling parents don’t coddle; they equip. The extra attention you give your child in their younger years yields results in life skills that will serve them and their future families for decades to come. In a study measuring communication, daily living, maturity, and, yes, socialization, homeschooled students outscored their public-schooled peers across the board by 10-15%. Homeschooling families freely teach sound morals and values along with their academic curriculum, developing principled, well-rounded adults.

It’s no wonder homeschooling is catching on! If you haven’t joined the adventure yet, we can help you get started. Request our free Homeschool Curriculum and Program Catalog to learn more about Basic Christian Education, and launch your family into an educational experience you can all be proud of.

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