"Thank you so much for all your help, especially with preparing our daughter for High School. Our son plugs along, and I thank you for your help and guidance with him as well. This was a transition year for sure. You helped me plant my feet and re-establish trust in the system that I feel like had pretty much failed me all my years of homeschooling. I wish I had found BCE on day one!
God richly bless you, your family, and the work of your hands!
Blessings to all of the BCE staff. I'm forever grateful for each one of you!"
"Basic Christian Education was an answer to our prayers, literally. You see, we have followed the unschooling model for our son's early education. It was what fit him best and he thrived. We knew that sometime in adolescence he would mature and naturally desire a more scholarly course of study. At age 15 he made that transition and asked for a curriculum to complete his higher education. So naturally, we began to pray for wisdom and direction. That is when we discovered BCE in an unexpected pop-up ad online!
As we reviewed BCE's website, we knew it was the answer we were looking for. They offer thorough diagnostic testing allowing us to hone in on the gaps in his knowledge. That information enabled us to create an educational plan that was just right for him.
I could go on and rave about your customer support and service but I feel it will be too long! I really could write more.
God's best to you all at BCE!"
"BCE is wonderful to work with!! The staff is so helpful, polite, and full of knowledge!
This is my second year ordering for 10-15 students a quarter at a time. I cannot say enough good about all they do to fulfill my orders! "
"I reached out BCE to get more information about high school education options and foreign languages. The office staff answered my questions promptly and thoroughly. They even sent me some sample materials to look through via the mail - which I received quickly. When I placed an order, it was also quickly received and properly processed. They are a great resource for education."
"Your curriculum is really, really awesome. We have seen such an improvement with our daughter. We are so happy that we have found you and very blessed! We have told others about your program and are just so happy!"
"Basic Christian Education has been a huge blessing to our family! We are local, so my wife was able to just run over and get PACEs as I can afford them, which was a real blessing when my work was a little unsteady. I like the option of buying just what I could afford and not having to fork out a chunk of money at one time to get my kids started on their school year.
The staff has always been very nice and helpful, and don't treat us as a bother or an inconvenience. The curriculum is also a great and full of the Word. We love all the character attributes and Bible verses that they learn throughout the PACEs. I'm forever grateful for the switch that we made to Basic Christian Education!"
"Another school year has started (the last one for our boys) and we wish you God’s blessing for your work. Lots of courage, faith, and the hope of His return. Till then shall we be found working on the places God put us. We thank you for your great work and help. "
"As a homeschool mom, I have used Basic Christian Education for twenty years with our eight children. Four of them have now graduated. I appreciate the structure and ease this curriculum offers and I am very pleased with the results! I recommend BCE to interested individuals because I believe it is a competent and user-friendly curriculum. Who wouldn't want that? :) "
"We've used BCE for 4 years now. They are always professional, always friendly, and provide best customer service. If you are looking for more than just a place to buy homeschool curriculum, this is it."
"This is our first year with BCE. Once my 10th and 7th grader got used to the change from public school to homeschool it became so much less stressful. The pressure was off. They work at their own pace. The flexibility is refreshing. The curriculum is self-explanatory and my girls are enjoying their christian education.The BCE office has always been warm,friendly and very professional. The only regret I have is that I did not discover them years earlier!"
"BCE worked great for me and my son. He said the books explained things better than any teacher ever did. I loved how History isn't changed. It's just straight facts. I also loved the Latin, which my son loved as well. BCE really has more options than public school ever had. My son went on to local Community college to which he obtained scholarships. They basically opened their arms to him , homeschooling was in his favor. He obtained an Associate degree and transferred with a scholarship to a 4 yr college. He will graduate in May with a Bachelor's degree in Computer science. Homeschooling my son was the best decision I ever made! I do not regret it. BCE was a big help with everything. If I ever had a question, they were always so helpful. Thank you for what you do! God Bless! "
"We love the BCE curriculum and wish to thank you for you time and attention that you have invested in helping make our children’s’ learning experience a positive adventure! Blessings to you and those you minister to! "
"I want to take this opportunity to thank Jim Leonard and Basic Christian Education for their outstanding service to our family.
Whenever we need assistance, BCE is right there with a friendly and helpful voice on the phone.
Homeschooling the children in our family has been a monumental task at times, however with the great advice and guidance of BCE during our educational hardships we have gotten to a place of success and progress.
Thank you Jim for your careful and prayerful assistance to our family over these many years. We appreciate your dedication to educating our children with Christian Curriculum and finding ways to help every type of student succeed.
Hats off to you for your fine work. "
"Thank you so much for the service you gave to us on my granddaughter’s books.
I called and talked to someone last Monday morning, and her books were here Tuesday.
She was so happy to get started."
"This has been the toughest year I've had with any of my children. Thank the good Lord there are Christian resources like this out there and a refreshing nights rest to start the next day!
Thank you for all your friendly wonderful help
"Once more, I feel happy to send you a note of encouragement for all the great jobs you do, to make home school possible. We appreciated your faithful help in all these years. Home school truly is a blessing for our family, the Lord is so gracious to have provided it for us.
Twice my heart was “crying”, the first time, 14 years ago, when I was afraid our children wouldn’t be able to learn to read at all (which the curriculum proved wrong quite fast!), and the second time, this past winter, when the reality soaked in, I will be running out of students after 14 years. Sadly, now this would have been perfect time, to start again, when one is aware of all the mistakes that happened. I’m so thankful the Lord gave us the courage to follow through. All six children love the Lord, and all six loved home school and we are so thankful for the great curriculum we enjoyed. 2010
"Words cannot express how my husband and I feel about what this school has done for Jeremy. We love you and appreciate all you have done. I pray we can meet someday. Thanks for all the love you have shown. "
"Dear Basic Christian Ed, I have used your Christian based curriculum since 1986 for my 3 children. Now as the year 2010 approaches I am ending this phase of my children’s education. Two of my children already have been very successful in jobs that give them a promising future. Although as a mom I pray for my children to look to God first in their lives we have to function in society the best we can to insure we do our best to reach a fulfilling life. I know that Basic Christian Ed. was the foundation and building blocks for many years. And now they are moving on into the next phases. I feel almost a sadness knowing we will not be in touch through the year anymore. You have always been very organized, thorough, professional and spiritually motivated towards the well being of not only our children but us as a family. Now my only hope is that my children’s children will be blessed by your dedicated services. Love you all - May God bless and keep you. "
"Thank you so much for being there to give any help you could, and make it possible for an education, where God is not left out. I am so thankful I learned about you, and my granddaughter just finished her education and graduated through you. Thanks again, and God Bless"
"Love the material, your promptness in helping with problems, not having to worry about keeping the school records, having my grandson actually enrolled in a school, have already recommended you to many. I am sure there are other reasons too just can't think of right now. Thank you so much for all you do"
"You could count me as a doubting Thomas. Until COVID-19 I would never have considered homeschooling. When the schools closed last spring and my son and daughter-in-law were trying their best to teach their 2 younger sons plus having an infant and 4-year-old. I felt the boys were only getting by. I did not want them to be behind when school resumed in September. I contacted BCE and they sent me testing material, so we knew what they already knew.
We started in June so they would be ready when the school year began in September. We worked Monday through Friday, 1:00 to 4:00. In two weeks, they had their PACEs in 5 subjects completed and were ready for the next series!"

"Newly retired, living in Florida, where everyday is a holiday, it never crossed my mind that two of our grandchildren would be living with us and I would be homeschooling them. Thankfully, I was put in touch with Basic Christian Education and they made the way easy.
Whether you have grandchildren living with you or not or maybe you want to help them get up to grade level in a certain subject, I highly recommend this program."