Best Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum: ACE vs. Rod & Staff

By James Leonard

November 16, 2020

Starting kindergarten is an exciting time in your child’s life! Some experts believe kindergarten is one of the most meaningful academic years because it helps set the stage for all the learning that will take place in the future. 

Since this is such a fundamental year for your child’s development, we also know that —with so many options out there— finding the right kindergarten homeschool curriculum can also feel a bit overwhelming. You may be asking yourself questions like: “How do I know what kindergarten curriculum will set my child up for success?” Or “what if I choose a curriculum that’s way over their head?” These thoughts are completely normal! 

The key is to find a kindergarten curriculum that will ease your child into school and help them to truly enjoy learning. We may have a solution for you.

Basic Christian Education’s Kindergarten Solution

Here at BCE Academy, we love the ACE homeschool curriculum for so many reasons— for integrating Biblical principles, developing your child’s critical thinking skills, providing individualized learning, and more. In our humble opinion, this is the perfect homeschool program for children in grades 1-12. 

But, when it comes to kindergarten, we have an alternative solution for you to also consider: Workbooks by Rod & Staff. The ACE curriculum could be the perfect fit for your kindergartner, but it’s important to evaluate your options. 

“Evaluating? I just don’t have the time for that.” Fear not, friend! We already did some of that work for you...

Kindergarten Curriculum with ACE vs. Workbooks with Rod & Staff

Here is a summary of both kindergarten curriculum options for you to look over and discuss with your family— we hope it’s helpful input as you weigh your options.

ACE Kindergarten Curriculum

The ACE kindergarten (and preschool) curriculum includes 60 PACEs filled with Bible and animal pictures, coordination development activities, and full-color picture stories to cultivate your child’s love for reading. The program will foster quick learning of the phonetic sounds for all letters and your student will also learn about social skills, the wonders of God’s world, and the reality of God’s love.


  • Includes four instructional manuals that provide hands-on learning activities and daily step-by-step instructions for each day’s learning so you don’t have to plan it all yourself
  • Gives the option of working with your child for either a half or full-day
  • Works well with multiple children of the same age


  • Demanding for a family with several children of various ages
  • High upfront cost
    • First time purchase for one student is $350.00
    • PACEs for each additional student is $144.00

Rod & Staff Workbooks

This series provides preparation material for preschoolers and kindergarteners to use at home. Twelve workbooks and one story book allow your child to practice coloring, cutting, pasting, listening and following directions. Your child will be presented with basics of numbers, math-related words, and sounds of letters. Basic thinking skills are developed through hearing rhymes, identifying sequences and making comparisons and associations. 


  • Children engage very well with the material, and they actually enjoy learning!
  • Books are progressive and easy to use 
  • All teacher instructions are contained in each book, so little preparation is necessary on your end
  • Affordable upfront cost
    •    The complete set is $45.50


  • If you’re wanting the most rigorous homeschool kindergarten curriculum, this probably doesn’t fit the bill. Rod & Staff gradually builds on your child’s natural interests, so they are eased into school gradually rather than shocking them with a heavy dose of work right at the beginning.

What’s the Best Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum for You?

Overall, we think Rod & Staff workbooks are the best for kindergarten-aged children— it’s affordable, simple and makes learning fun. But, at the end of the day, it’s up to your family to choose the curriculum you want for your child. 

To explore either of the options we’ve mentioned above, please request our free catalog or schedule your discovery call at (866) 567-2446 - we’re looking forward to answering your questions!

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